

For a storyteller and a radio-lover, podcasting is a brave new world.

So, I am including here some of my 'home-brewed' podcasts. Because I know next to nothing about audio production, my friend Mark McGee, of Central Landing Sound, was kind enough to help me record the first one. The next two I recorded and edited myself using Audacity. I am not promising professional quality in this round but I don’t really mind the slightly amateurish quality as I would like kids to hear the ‘realness’ of the reading versus a canned product.  It sounds like an excuse but my hope is that it will encourage them to try this medium for themselves.

Podcast Notes:

1.  Chapter 4 from my book, The Truth About Horses.  This chapter is all about my friend Molly Maloney attempting to ride our unrideable pony.

2.  Lisa's Snow Day was originally pubished as a picture book in 1988.  It is long out of print but I still enjoy telling this story which features a wild toboggan ride on a Maine winter day.

3.  The year Sally Beanpot Won the Waldo County Fair Fddling Contest - one of my Maine tales.  I love fiddle music and this recording features original fiddle music from fiddler Grassapelli.

Click on a media file to play it. Use the 'next' and 'previous' links or the '<' or '>' (more than/less than keys) to navigate the larger media files.
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Fiddle Story