
Related Articles

Going International! by Sarah Prescott, Library Journal, Oct. 15, 2009.

How to Visit the Libraries of the World without Leaving Home by Janet I. Balas
Computers in Libraries, Nov/Dec. 2000, Vol. 20, Issue 10, p. 58-60.
Discusses how the internet fosters diversity among librarians and provides virtual tours of the world’s libraries.

International School Librarianship by Ann Symons, Jeanne Gerlach & Blanche Woolls, School Library Media Activities Monthly; Dec2006, Vol. 23 Issue 4, p. 56-58
The article focuses on the international experiences of two school librarians.  It also provides tips on getting a job in an international school.

Strangers in Paradise by Sarah Prescott School Library Journal, June 2001.
by Sarah Prescott, School Library Journal, June 2001.

Wanted: American Students by Ann McClure                     
University Business, Jul2008, Vol. 11 Issue 7, p14-14
The article focuses on a recent report that shows international higher education institutions are as eager to welcome American students as U.S. based schools are to welcome theirs.

What’s so International about International Librarianship?
by Peter Johan Lor, Secretary General, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, Lecture at the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, July 1, 2005.


Related Books

A Day in the Life: Career Options in Library and Information Science, edited by Pricilla K. Shontz and Richard A, Murray.  Libraries Unlimited, 2007.
(Contains three chapters relating to international librarianship: 
Chap. 14 – Reference Librarian at an Overseas American Univ. (Nancy Fawley)
Chap. 41 -  International School Librarian (Paula Pfoeffer)
Chap. 67 -  Visiting Instructor at an International University (Dallas Long))

Ali, Amjad. Libraries and Librarians of the World. Ess Ess Publications, 2006.

Armour, Richard Willard. The Happy Booker: A Playful History of Librarians and Their World from the Stone Age to the Distant Future. McGraw-Hill, 1976.

Hamilton, Masha. The Camel Bookmobile. Harper Collins, 2007.

Perspectives, Insights & Priorities: 17 Leaders Speak Freely of Librarianship.  Edited by Norman Horrocks, Scarecrow Press, 2005.

Pollock, David C. and Van, Reken, Ruth E. Third Culture Kids: The Experience of Growing Up Among Worlds, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2001.

Ruurs, Margaret. My Librarian is a Camel: How Books are Brought to Children Around the World, Boyd’s Mills Press, 2005.

Sawa, Maureen. The Library Book: the Story of Libraries from Camels to Computers, Tundra Books, 2006.

Sinder, Janet. Law Librarians Abroad, Routledge, 2001.

Stamaty, Mark Alan. Alia’s Mission: Saving the Books of Iraq. Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2004.

Winter, Jeanette. The Librarian of Basra: A True Story from Iraq. Harcourt, 2005.

Woolls, Blanche & Loertscher, David V. The Whole School Library Handbook. ALA, 2005. (Contains my SLJ article on how to become an international librarian.)