General Information Sites
The 50 Most Inspiring Travel Quotes of all Time
Part of the Brave New Traveler website, these quotes are the reason to go, even if the path is a difficult one.
The International Educator
You will need to subscribe to this well-known newspaper ($29.00) to read it in its entirety. The International Educator claims to be "your passport to an international teaching position" and it includes a large number of job ads, especially in its fall editions. The paper also offers articles about the activities of international schools, as well as insight into the best and largest schools.
Teaching Jobs Overseas
This site is very confusing to navigate but if you choose to join JoyJobs ($39.95) it does offers a wealth of information about teaching in international schools, tips on how to secure a job, and even feedback on certain schools.
U.S. State Department—Overseas Schools Site
Here's a great site to begin your research. The site contains a list of all the recruiting agencies, an up-to-date recruiting fairs calendar, and a section on "Organizations with Teaching Opportunities."
International Librarianship by Kevin S. Hawkins A list of links about international relations between libraries and librarians, with a focus on information for Americans interested in making connections abroad.
International Librarianship: Getting There from Here
This very informative article includes sources for those seeking short-term and voluntary opportunities.
TCK World: The Official Home of Third Culture Kids
A page full of resources and information about TCK’s - a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside their parents’ culture.